China’s Belt & Road Initiative: economic prosperity or hegemony?

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s debtbook diplomacy under the guise of a developmental helping hand, an economic windfall to his South-South friends, turns into a stranglehold on their very sovereign economic livelihoods.

Nepal: time to take entrepreneurial spirit to the local level  

If the government takes serious actions to promote local and community entrepreneurship, this will not only diversify and uplift Nepal’s overall economy, but also provide enormous employment opportunities to Nepal’s jobless youths who have very few options for employment at the moment–apart from lying up in manpower agencies and heading for ill-paid foreign employment in the Gulf countries.

Child Soldiers of the 21st Century: What Can be Done About Them?

After armed groups in South Sudan recently released over 200 child soldiers, now is the ideal time to explore why more needs to be done to prevent children's lives being corrupted by violence.

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