India: researchers to predict flood damage using satellite data

As India recovers from the devastating effects of cyclones Amphan and Nisarga, water researchers at HR Wallingford in the UK are developing a method...

Project oxygen: Bangladeshi youths planting 49,000 trees to save the Sundarbans

The Sundarbans have been instrumental in protecting the people of Bangladesh and India from disastrous cyclones, typhoons, tsunamis, and other natural calamities for years after years.

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on SDG attainment in Afghanistan

COVID-19 has constrained many of the ongoing SDG-readying support provided to the Government of Afghanistan and may have major implications for judicious and long-term development policymaking and programming that are needed to achieve the priority SDG targets in Afghanistan.

Women and Indian politics: gender and political participation in India

Patriarchy still posits deep-rooted challenges hindering women’s engagement with electoral politics in India. However, several steps in the country’s developmental approach have indicated a positive change in women’s participation as voters and as elected representatives.

‘Half of the world’s refugee children out of school due to COVID-19’

The risks to refugee education do not stop with COVID-19. Attacks on schools are a grim and growing reality. The report also elaborates on Africa’s Sahel region where violence has forced the closure of more than 2,500 schools affecting the education of 350,000 students.

Development, Neoliberalism, and Islamism in South Asia: The Case of Bangladesh (book review)

Development, Neoliberalism, and Islamism in South Asia: The Case of Bangladesh poses the issue of development, in which development for a group of people can lead to underdevelopment for marginalized others. The author critiques the neoliberal definition of development on two important grounds: first, it is limited to material wealth, and second, ignores people's freedom and well-being. He argues neoliberalism is a “great reversal” of the theories of John Maynard Keynes and contradicts the development history of the industrialized West.

‘Global Tourism Sector set to lose at least $1.2 trillion due to Coronavirus’

Tourism is the backbone of many economies and a lifeline for millions of people around the world, but COVID-19 has brought it to a halt, causing severe economic consequences globally.

Pandemic profits for companies soar by billions as poorest struggle to get by

Thirty-two of the world’s largest companies stand to see their profits jump by $109 billion more in 2020 as the Covid-19 pandemic lays bare an economic model that delivers profits for the wealthiest on the back of the poorest, according to a new Oxfam report released this week.

The protests in Sri Lanka: An alternative perspective

What protesters consider as the Rajapaksa government’s failures have been symptoms, rather than causes, of the structural weaknesses threatening to tear apart the economy.

China’s Belt & Road Initiative: economic prosperity or hegemony?

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s debtbook diplomacy under the guise of a developmental helping hand, an economic windfall to his South-South friends, turns into a stranglehold on their very sovereign economic livelihoods.

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