Can War Be Good for Development?

By EDVIN ARNBY MACHATA We see it on the news almost everyday—people starving, people fleeing and, more often than not, this suffering and destruction is...

The Fergana Valley – A Region of ‘Dormant-Violence’ or ‘Fresh Opportunities’?

By Hriday Ch. Sarma Intra-regional integration in the Fergana Valley will greatly reduce the risk of inter-state conflicts, and enable Central Asian states to take optimal advantage of trade ties along the (New) Silk Roads.

War & Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is not officially at war, but for decades the ordinary Congolese haven't experienced an essence of peace either. After years of bloodshed and devastation, the DRC is staggering towards normalcy, but after brief intervals the country finds itself rebound into violent conflicts again and again.

The world’s largest refugee camp: what is the future for Dadaab?

  by Advin Arnby Machata Dadaab, the 20-year-old refugee camp spawned by the Somali Civil War, has become a perpetual humanitarian disaster, with thousands of people...

Conflict Minerals of DR Congo: ‘Even UN Officials Want Them’

In DR Congo people say that mineral greed is not restricted only among the neighboring countries, even the UN peacekeepers who were sent there to bring order and peace seem to be eying the country's minerals.

Teaching Failed States to Function

by Aparna Patankar In recent years, international relations experts have debated the question of nation building - the process of constructing a functioning state that...

A Forgotten Conflict in a Forgotten Region: Western Sahara and its 9 Million Landmines

By Adil Khan The Western Sahara dispute is ‘one of the world’s least reported crises’. For almost 40 years a forgotten conflict has ensued in a forgotten region. Contested by Morocco and the rebel organisation known as the Polisario Front, it is the cause of ethnic tensions, a diaspora, and a terrain contaminated with 9 million landmines. Will this conflict be allowed to continue, or will the international community intervene?

Kabul’s Dark Nights and the Dream of a New Silk Route


By Sayed Jalal

With the deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan, how feasible the Turkmenistan, Afghanistan Pakistan and India (TAPI) gas pipeline project will be?

Cancer & Condescension: The Case of Iraq’s Imposed Epidemic

lBy Aliza Amlani Forget about oil, occupation, terrorism or even al-Qaeda. The real hazard for Iraqis these days is cancer. As the Iraq War officially ends,...

Los Vigilantes in Guatemala: When State Security Fails

By Robin Smith Guatemala is on the brink of becoming another Columbia or Mexico, where military policing, guerrilla groups, and civilians have to battle it out for control. It is a battle without winners and where the average citizen is the one who suffers most. And I wonder, is there time for Guatemala to save itself?

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