Lecturio to Provide Free E-Learning Resources to Improve Global Health

Lecturio, a German tech company, has announced the launch of MEDI, a new Medical Education Development Initiative that aims to support medical capacity building in the developing world.

Child Mining in Tanzania: A Forgotten Story

By Tony Spence

Children are often attracted to mining due to a lack of regulation and the promise of easy money. As a result, thousands of children in Tanzania work in difficult and dangerous conditions for little money in which their education, safety and wellbeing is compromised.

Distant Voices: Design and Development from an Alternative Perspective

By Carl Harrison

For the first time this book asks pertinent questions, about the nature of product in its non-western context, the social, cultural, political and economic reasons why many producers within the developing world appear to be unwilling or unable to forge creative directions of their own.

India’s New Education Policy: Coding education at grade 6, focus on achieving SDGs

The policy brings major changes in the areas of early childhood care and education wherein the pre-schooling years are in focus now.

Gross National Happiness of Bhutan and its False Promises

Some foreign observers claim that GNH provides ideological cover for repressive and racist policies. Love it or hate it, one thing is clear, the pursuit of GNH does not appear to be helping the people of Bhutan rise to a higher standard of living.

Is Development Aid Neoliberal? Rethinking Global Commitment on Development Issues

By Cucu Wesseh Aid being tied to the purchase of goods and services to the donor country increases overall costs by 25%. Moreover, most donors channel aid through NGOs from within their own countries. This has major consequences in ensuring sustainable development in the global South.

150 million children plunged into poverty due to COVID-19, say aid agencies

There are not only more children experiencing poverty than before, the poorest children are getting poorer as well. Before the pandemic, the average number of severe deprivations per child was around 0.7. It is now estimated to have increased by 15 percent to around 0.85.

What Has South-South Cooperation Achieved So Far?

Recent statistics do show that south-south cooperation has reeved up, but there is still a long way to go. Statistics also show that the 29 member countries of the OECD’s development assistance committee account for 90% of global development aid and have decades of experience behind them; and south-south cooperation is certainly not going to replace these figures soon. For many, south-south cooperation is an ideological boost rather than something concrete in practice.

Play for Peace: using cooperative play for compassion and peace

Youth-led cooperative play, initiated by Play for Peace, brings together people from different nationalities, religions, and backgrounds to find common ground, build friendships, and create a more peaceful world.

The Gendered Internet: Looking at Platforms in India

By Shruti Saxena

In its earliest stages the Internet was hailed as a great equalizer, a portent of a new world of information and freedom of access. Reality has been slightly different. Like all other spaces, the Internet too is gendered.

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