Energy Efficiency in Russia and Central Asia – Time to Conserve?

by Meerim Shakirova Several developing country issues, particularly those concerned with the environment, such as population growth, the greenhouse effect, ecological degradation and natural resource...

Never Going Back Again: Two Home-Returned Migrants’ Entrepreneurial Journey in Nepal


Poverty and unemployment encourage thousands of Nepalese youth to leave home to find work in the Middle East every year. While many of them find a way to earn a living and support their families back home, some of them end up in heart-breaking tragedies.
An IDP boy at the Hawa Abdi Centre for Internally Displaced Somalis.

Somalia Vision 2016: A Long Way To Go

By Abdiwahab Ali For the first time now there is an internationally recognized federal government in Somalia. Though Somalis disagree about whether federalism is a recipe for sustainable peace and even question whether such a system is little more than paper work.

Child Labour in India: The Missing Data & The Informal Economy

By Harris Zargar

Despite various efforts, child labour in India is still a common practice. Poverty forces children to seek jobs in undisclosed service sector and many are forced into prostitution, while many other become victims of human trafficking.

Conflict Minerals of DR Congo: ‘Even UN Officials Want Them’

In DR Congo people say that mineral greed is not restricted only among the neighboring countries, even the UN peacekeepers who were sent there to bring order and peace seem to be eying the country's minerals.

Gross National Happiness of Bhutan and its False Promises

Some foreign observers claim that GNH provides ideological cover for repressive and racist policies. Love it or hate it, one thing is clear, the pursuit of GNH does not appear to be helping the people of Bhutan rise to a higher standard of living.

Urban Refuge: Boston students create an app for refugees in Jordan

By Amy Pollard

Open Urban Refuge and you’ll see a dark purple interface with five mint-green circles. Each circle contains a different symbol, representing one of five categories of aid: education, finance, housing, health, employment.

150 million children plunged into poverty due to COVID-19, say aid agencies

There are not only more children experiencing poverty than before, the poorest children are getting poorer as well. Before the pandemic, the average number of severe deprivations per child was around 0.7. It is now estimated to have increased by 15 percent to around 0.85.

East African Countries Unlikely to Achieve MDG on Education, But Progress is Steady


A recently published UNSCO report shows that all 5 countries of the East African Community (EAC)- Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda,Tanzania and Uganda, failed to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on access to Universal Primary Education and Education for All targets.

Microfinance and development: Do the math

By Lykke Andersen A lousy little loan, which seemed like a good idea at the time, doomed Micky to a life in extreme poverty and heavy indebtedness, while Savvy, who couldn’t get a loan, did very well. So, if you thought micro credit will help solve the problem of poverty, you might want to do a bit of math to understand the astonishing power of compound interest.

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