Child Marriages In Bangladesh: Will There Ever Be An End?

Child marriages in Bangladesh are still a sad reality, despite several efforts from different organizations for decades. Will it ever end anyway?

Arts for Social Change? Creative Projects Empowering Women and Youth

By Federica Busiello When looking for empowerment projects, in a development context, we may think of livelihoods projects, vocational training and income generation activities, or projects that aim to improve access to or quality of education; or at least I used to. I have more recently come across initiatives that use arts for social change: projects that use a creative process to inspire those who participate to empower themselves.

LGBT Rights in Argentina: A Model for Latin America

For a country synonymous with a culture of machismo, gauchos (cowboys) and a dance deeply rooted in traditional male-female dominant- submissive roles, the tango, Argentina is surprisingly leading the way for gender and sexual equality or LGBT rights in Latin America.

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